Wednesday, August 10, 2016

An Uneducated Lout?

From Chronicles:
If Mr. Pruden finds the prospect of Donald Trump’s victory terrifying; I do not. There can be no more positive agenda for the nation than border security, a markedly less interventionist foreign policy, and an end to the fast-track trade deals that have gutted our national economy. Moreover, he is wrong to call Trump an “uneducated lout.” Trump is educated and is far from being a lout, although he can be brusque. I do not see how you can be an uneducated lout and yet create a billion-dollar company, generate thousands of jobs, graduate from the nation’s leading business school (Wharton in Philadelphia), successfully switch careers from real estate to prime-time television, win the Republican Party’s nomination for president (handily) against its “deep bench” of sixteen candidates, and now stand on the threshold of ascending to the highest office in the land. I wish my parents had raised me to be an uneducated lout, but somehow they went wrong. (Read more.)

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