Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Secret Paris Archive

From Messy Nessy Chic:
The Galcante was founded by Christian Bailly, the chairman of the ”Musée de la Presse”. When it first opened in 1975, it began as a small shop that just sold copies of what was in the museum’s collections, and later progressed into the first French society selling old newspapers and documents. (Read more.)


The North Coast said...

Oh, dear. I could spend my whole vacation in that one little pocket of Paris, a city stuffed with intriguing little pockets of history.

I could also spend my personal allowance of "spending" money for the rest of my life

Would love to have a couple of months just to explore this place alone

elena maria vidal said...

Me, too! I would love to rent an apartment in Paris and spend a summer there, just poking around.